
soapy marg

so tonight, my roomie elise (the one in the middle)
and i made margaritas. a nice experience and one we like to do on some evenings. 
so i'm sitting here just now, sippin on my marg. and i taste something weird, and bubbly.
apparently the soap was not cleaned out of my class very well, because it was a mix of lime and *apple* soap.

i feel like that is just the way life has been latel
the little things are just all goin nuts. the big things are going nuts. as they have been for a while.
but when the little things go nuts, oh boy. that's when i lose it!
a soapy marg is not a good marg. 

i don't really have a purpose to this post, only to rant about my soapy margarita.
and to rant about the crappiness that is the world.

if you need a good laugh. watch this show.

i promise. you will not regret it.

you will chuckle for many years to come.


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