
my valentines.

these were my valentines this year.



here are my current issues:

-there is fly buzzing around in my room.
-it's huge. i can't get it out.
-i dont want to kill it. that's gross
-i can't shoo it out the door because...
-i have my bedroom door shut and locked. IM NOT OPENING IT.
-IM FREAKED OUT. [i watched this scary 48 hours thing. about a murder. im a wimp]
-please dont come murder me.
-no one else is home. no one else is coming home soon [elise, come home soon??]

-my right cheek is bright red. (bain. i believe it's called the asian flush?)
-it's 10 oclock. im in bed. getting ready to watch heros. [not a huge problem with me. but i feel -like other people would think its a problem]
-my right foot is frozen. (only one half of me experiences physical problems.)

-i might have melanoma. (joking. but a little serious. i have to go to the doctor. should i be worried?) i have a mysterious spot/mole/color and shape changing itchy weird looking thing on my cheek.
-don't judge.
-all of my friends are out of town (except for a few. they are all in relationships or losers.)
-my throat hurts. my chest hurts from coughing so much. even when i am not coughing i feel like i need to.
-my teeth feel dirty because i have basically only eaten candy all day. or for the last 3 days.
-it's possible that i might not survive until thursday at 10 am (thats when i get to leave and go to kc)
-i really like lists.
-i want to graduate. today.
-i did homework on a saturday night.

i'm not really complaining. but today, i have lots of things i would like to talk about and no one to talk about them with. if i had a valentine, i would tell him. but i am valentine-less. so i am blogging about these small problems.

-mary kate


i never thought i'd be on a boat

this might be the greatest thing i've ever seen.
watch it over. and over. and over.
-mary kate



so many things today made me happy for spring.

let me start from the morning
-waking up and not being cold (i was even slightly joyful).
-not walking on a cold floor in the kitchen.
-wearing flip flops to class
-not having to wear a coat
-wearing my stunna shades


-walking home from class in the most PERFECT weather ever
-driving with my windows down
-still wearing flip flops
-how happy everyone was because of the beautiful weather
-granny's house in nice weather is SO much fun
-kids playing outside
-having dirty feet after 5 seconds at granny's house in flip flops. i got my toes stepped on like, 8 times
-rowdy children (crazy, but fun)
-kids not being cold and having to wear coats and losing gloves.
-people just seemed happier overall.
-my plant growing in the living room.


-driving home with my windows down. AT NIGHT!
-tulips at wal-mart
-a beautiful sunset
-wearing my rain coat over to bring jeff a heating pad and meds
-hearing the rain outside my window while going to bed (will happen shortly)

basically. i love spring. i hate winter. it brings me down
i know it won't last. tomorrow it's supposed to be colder. but today, i soaked it in.

at least i know there's hope at the end of the tunnel.


revolutionary road

i just saw revolutionary rode. i can honestly say that was the most depressing two hours i've ever spent watching a movie.

don't get me wrong. it was great. very well done.
but utterly depressing.

firstly: i saw it by myself (my roommate said, "oh that's so carrie bradshaw of you!!" uh.. or loserish? independent? i think so). on a saturday night. after a long long day. already in a slightly sour mood.

second: i sort of lost faith in humanity. lost faith in suburbia. not that i had much faith in suburbia to begin with, but, either way. lost any ounce of it.

thirdly: it made life seem much more bleek. made me joyful, once again, for jesus

rotten tomato says: Brilliantly acted and emotionally powerful, Revolutionary Road is a handsome adaptation of Richard Yates' celebrated novel."
i would agree.

it's definitely no titanic.