

i really don't have a purpose for this entry, only to put some special photos.
i feel some of you will really appreciate these.

anfernee and i had a little video chat.

i like jeffs face in the last one. ha!!

they are pretty dark, but i thought they were cute. and funny. he was a little confused i think. i kept making funny noises.



a good day.

i had a good day. i genuinely good day.
the best day.
did lots of fun things.
saw a lot of my favorite people.
it rained (great) and then it was sunny (also great).

aaand, i took some pictures of my favorite little people.


i mean, is that not the sweetest face you've ever seen?
ever?? look at that smile.

i am happy. this is where i see his beauty.



so i am done. my junior year is over.
weird, eh?
i mean, technically, i am a senior in college. what the frick.
i had my last final at 1:00 today. it was very strange. but at least it's over.

i've had a very weird day. a large range of emotions.
and to end it with an exhilarating episode of gossip girl with soph and phil (if you don't watch it, OH GOSH. watch it now)

when i am stressed, i like to buy books.
i could walk around barnes and noble for hours.

monday afternoon i went and bought three books:

running with scissors
if i am missing or dead (which apparently, part of it is set in COMO!)
apples for jam

possibly the cutest cook book ever.
it has the most fun recipes. they are arranged by color.

and it has really fun pictures. im really excited to cook from it.
if you want food. i would like to cook you something from my fun new book.
if you are stressed and hungry.
call me.

i'm baking tomorrow. muffins and cookies for some of my finaled friends.
hopefully they will be lovely.

i don't really have much to say, i just felt that this was a monumental day, thus, i am documenting it.
i would like to put a fun video. but i have nothing.

so i'm ending it.
happy summer everyone.

-ary may ate kay.


brother for sale.

mk and a.

in my childhood, i loved them. as i grew, my disdain grew, everyone always asking "where's ashley". thinking they were SO original.

they had lots of songs and movies.
this was my personal favorite.

the first time i heard this song, it went straight for my heart.
i said, "THIS IS HOW I FEEL!"
i was probably 5. i remember when i first got their tape.
it was like all of my feelings wrapped up in a song.

it's pretty much the story of my life. it is what i wanted to do. i seriously considered doing this.
somehow getting rid of my brother. i literally sat there in my living room, listening to this song over and over thinking of some way to do this.
more so with one brother than the other.
he was a quite a pain.
i feel like this song pretty much sums everything up.
now he's okay, but he was pretty bad up until a few years ago.
the other was not so annoying.

i thought this was quite funny when i found this video on you tube. plus i really like videos.
so here it is. you should probably watch the whole thing, it's pretty incredible.

so sam, this goes out to you. i don't want to sell you anymore. but thanks for ruining my childhood.

--mk (not a)



well now i feel like a jerk for ranting about the tv.
there was a legit tornado.

here's a funny video though. zach's video inspired me to post this.

anyone who knows/loves/dates any one of us should really appreciate this work of art. its pretty incredible.
i was watching it last night and remembered how much i love my little conk a lonk ba donk a donk

so this one goes out to you girl.  i hope you remember the good old days.
