
early this morning: "yeah, mary kate. this is andy from dunn brothers. you were supposed to be in at 5:30 (am), and it's 8:15"

crap. this is just the story of my life.
let me just tell you what my life is like right now:

okay, just picture yourself driving on the highway, (I-70 to KC preferable. this is where this analogy came to me) in the rain, behind/next to a semi. you are trying to pass it, but the rain just keeps getting worse. you know you'll be past it soon, but as you get closer the rain just gets worse and worse. it's probably not totally safe to be this close to a semi, but you do it anyways. if somebody was in the car with you, they would probably become nervous. all of this to be said, you know you will get around it and the rain will subside, but in the mean time, it's pretty nerve-wracking. you could pretty easily fall off the road or smash into the semi. you have to pass the semi though. you have to or else you will never get where you are going. but you think it will be okay.

i hope that you all know the situation i am referring to (hopefully im not just a bad driver)
once you pass the semi, the most overwhelming sense of safety overcomes you. but until that moment, its probably a little dangerous.

this situation is how i would sum up my life right now. its raining. there are little moments of clear, while passing a semi, but then i come up to another semi. over all, its a rough drive. i know that it will end, i just have to endure it. anybody that really knew what it was like in the passenger seat be a little nervous, but i think i'll be ok. (good thing i'm single. HA!)

so. all this being said: if im a little down, just wait until may 11th. my drive will be much clearer. then wait until december 18th. then my drive will be home free. i will have arrived!!!

HORRAY! there is hope. i know they said that you shouldn't wish your life away, but i just don't believe them. (this might not seem like it, but it was meant to be a more hopeful post.)

-mary kate katherine.


some things i know

1. this cut hurts a lot more than you would think. freakin coffee grinder at work. my hand started gushing blood. it was sick.

and now it keeps bleeding, again and again.

2. i love having my 9:30 class canceled.
3. i like sitting in my bed doing research (actually blogging, while i should be doing research). it's way better than sitting in a hard chair.
4. i like cake (and eating it for breakfast).
5. i wish i could just wake up and have coffee ready for me. no preparing. that would make my mornings way more pleasant.
6. i like william fitzsimmons. you should too (thank you phil)
7. i am REALLY sick of group papers. (fml?)
8. i am ready for may 11th at about 3:000
9. i am excited for next fall.
10. i graduate on december 18th at 6:00 pm. glory glory hallelujah.
11. this is jeff.

he was getting his tramp stamp removed.
12. if you leave iced tea on the counter for a while, uncovered, it will get mold on the top. who knew?!

okay, that's all i got.
-mary kate


glory glory halleluiah

please watch this.
two of my favorite things


here is something i have noticed about myself after the death of my grandpa:

it has sort of changed who i am. of course, i am still me. but it has immensely changed a lot of the desires that i have. i'm not really sure who to be. i've lost a large part of me.

example: photography. ever since i can remember, i have LOVED photographing the moments in life, nearly every moment. i took photo classes all thru high school and one in college.
over the last 9 months, i have only taken like, 500 pictures. (that might seem like a lot, but for me, it's not) about 400 of those were of granny's house kids. i went to san francisco and took 26 pictures with my fancy schmancy camera. the old me would have taken hundreds. the only thing i still take pictures of is kids, because that has NO connection to him. it doesn't remind me of him. everything else does.

it's interesting, because my grandpa was one of my FAVORITE things to photograph. i used him for countless school photography projects. 2 weeks before he died we went to Michigan. i must have taken 200 pictures of him alone. he was fascinating to me.
i think it's just become a little jaded. its like, so many times, his face was the one i saw when i looked through. and now it's gone, and nothing really matches up to it.

capturing anyone in that moment won't keep them there forever. nothing can. capturing the moment doesn't seem as special to me anymore, because the moment disappears anyways.

not to be a debbie downer. but tonight, lacy asked me about the picture's i'd taken in san francisco. i've been thinking about this (and other changes) a lot lately and felt like processing it. i dont want to do it aloud, so here i blog. i've also been up since 5am and am going on about 4 hours of sleep, so i might seem slightly emo.

on a happier note:
i haven't seen this mother trucker for almost a year. (my brother joe)

and i get to see him in like, 1 WEEK!
and i am very excited about it.

that's all i got for now. i'll put up the few pictures i have soon.
--mary kate