
i wanna jump from this ship of fools

sometimes this world overwhelms me. it is one big freakin mess.
when i really think about it. the little problems. the big problems.

no political figure can save us.
barack obama is not the second coming of jesus christ.
 im sure most of you know, he came to columbia today.
it was mass freakin chaos.
i did not attend. mainly because i hate large groups of people.

so i cannot help but be thankful for Jesus.
i am putting my hope in him. not in politics.

they cannot fix the world. it is an absolute sick nasty mess.
this world has nothing for me.

thank you Jesus.

whenever i'm feeling particularly helpless, i watch this joyous video. it is absolutely beautiful.
watch it and smile. 
after a night of political discussion, i need some hope.


if that does not warm your heart, you have no soul.
i think there will be precious african girls running around heaven, laughing all day.

love, mary kate


soapy marg

so tonight, my roomie elise (the one in the middle)
and i made margaritas. a nice experience and one we like to do on some evenings. 
so i'm sitting here just now, sippin on my marg. and i taste something weird, and bubbly.
apparently the soap was not cleaned out of my class very well, because it was a mix of lime and *apple* soap.

i feel like that is just the way life has been latel
the little things are just all goin nuts. the big things are going nuts. as they have been for a while.
but when the little things go nuts, oh boy. that's when i lose it!
a soapy marg is not a good marg. 

i don't really have a purpose to this post, only to rant about my soapy margarita.
and to rant about the crappiness that is the world.

if you need a good laugh. watch this show.

i promise. you will not regret it.

you will chuckle for many years to come.



go visible.

so today i discovered something.  the ability to go "invisible" on gmail chat.

it's interesting. i am currently invisible. it says, 
"mary kate loring
you are invisible
go visible?"

after noticing this, i was thinking. what if life was just like that.
you could just click a little button and bam. invisible. 
i could just go about my merry way without any bothers.
then if i saw someone i wanted to talk to, i could just click "go visible" then it would all be good.

that would be convenient.
i would very much enjoy that.
i guess that is part of my statement with my bangs.
if my bangs are down. do not talk to me.
ha! just kidding. i just kinda like them.

emily lewis, you should probably watch that.
